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Forest wildlife and hunting

With the Act on Forests (1993) game management first started to be professionally dealt with in forestry, that is by the Slovenia Forest Service.

The work of the Slovenia Forest Service is above all centred on planning - our competence is to elaborate hunting management plans. In 2002 strategic documents were made and confirmed, ie decennial hunting management plans for hunting management regions. With the new Act on Game and Hunting, passed in 2004, the Slovenia Forest Service kept its central role in planning, now for 15 hunting management areas, and at the same time it got many new responsibilities among which we should mention the preparation of professional bases for practically all acts from the field of game and hunting, care for work and interventions in the environment, and collaboration of hunting organizations – hunting clubs, united in the Slovenia Hunters’ Association, with hunting reserves with a special purpose, united in public institutions – the Slovenia Forest Service and the Triglav National Park.

Besides hunting management planning we care for planned and proper use of budget funds for investments in the wildlife environment in private forests. By cooperating in the elaboration of regulations at the state level and by following them carefully, the Slovenia Forest Service helps to create a friendly wildlife environment The Slovenia Forest Service keeps all necessary data bases about the state of animal populations and their environment and it performs legal duties towards state organs and the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. When monitoring the state in forests regarding game, we make a systematic inventory of browsed forest seedlings.

The Slovenia Forest Service has become the basic institution for monitoring the state of large carnivore populations (brown bear, wolf and lynx), assessing the damage done by these species (and by other protected wildlife species), proposing their necessary elimination by killing, performing measurements of eliminated animals, and for co-operating in the preparation of strategic documents (strategies, action plans …). In 2000 the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food appointed an intervention team for brown bear which is led and financed by the Slovenia Forest Service. In this area of work we lead or co-operate in several international projects, mostly regarding large carnivores:

– reintroduction of brown bears in the countries of the European Union (Austria, France, Italy) in collaboration with hunting reserves with a special purpose in the Slovenia Forest Service;

– international project »Bear in Slovenia« in collaboration with the Slovenia Hunters’ Association, the Biotechnical Faculty, WGM Germany, University of Vienna – Austria;

– leading the EU LIFE Nature project – »Conservation of large carnivores in Slovenia« - Phase I (Brown Bear) together with seven partners; – co-operation in EU LIFE Co-op project – »Possibilities of creating brown bear metapopulation in the Alps«.