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SFS participated in preparations for the new lynx capturing season in Romania

LIFE Lynx project’s primary objective is rescuing the Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population from extinction and to preserve it in the long term. Currently, the population is small, isolated, and extremely inbred. The Dinaric-SE Alpine population will be reinforced with lynx from the viable source population in the Carpathians.

SFS is the wildlife management planning authority in Slovenia and project partner.

Part of the Slovenian and Croatian LIFE Lynx team has joined the ACDB project partner in Romania. The main purpose of the visit is to help set up box traps on a field and arrange for future captures and translocations of lynx from Romania to Slovenia and Croatia. In addition to setting new traps, a lot of time will also be spent to maintaining the locations of existing traps. In first days of the visit, we’ve set an extra box trap at the lynx capturing site, which was also active last season. It is at abandoned wooden cabin deep in the forest, which is regularly marked by lynx. On arrival at that location we found a fresh lynx scat, which indicates that this location is still visited by lynx. We also checked 5 different existing locations where we’ve rebuilt the surroundings and tested the traps. According to what we have seen, we can expect a successful lynx capturing season.

Box trap near an abandoned wooden cabin. Photo: LIFE Lynx
The box traps have to be carried to the location. Sometimes even a few kilometers away. Photo: LIFE Lynx
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