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Project LIFE DINALP BEAR nominated for "THE LIFE AWARDS 2020”

European Commission has chosen the nominees for this year’s "LIFE AWARDS”, which recognize the most innovative, inspirational and effective LIFE projects in three categories: climate action, environment and nature protection. They have nominated 15 nominees, five in each category.

International project LIFE DINALP BEAR, which was lead under the coordination of Slovenia Forest Service (SFS) and that ended last year, has been selected as one of the 15 finalists for the LIFE Awards 2020! LIFE DINALP BEAR will compete for the award in the category “Nature protection” together with other four nominees (LIFE for Safe Grid, WOLFLIFE, LIFE+SCALLUVIA, LIFE-Aurinia).

To SFS as a coordinating partner and the whole project team from Slovenia, Croatia, Austria and Italy, this nomination represents a confirmation of all the efforts that were dedicated to our work, confidence in the results achieved and a motivation to continue our mission of nature conservation. With the help of knowledge, communication and compromises, we can achieve an ultimate goal shared by every single European country: to leave the biodiversity of this planet in a shape that will guarantee the prosperous life of our descendants.

Link: LIFE Awards 2020

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