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International Lynx Day 2020 – Hunter stories and celebration in Ljubljana ZOO

The International Lynx Day is celebrated on June 11, and is a collaborative initiative of the transboundary 3Lynx project with eleven project partners in five countries.

Different public events and online screenings will be organized in Slovenia, Italy, Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic to raise awareness for the endangered species – the lynx. Map of all events is available online

LIFE Lynx project partners (coordinated by Slovenia Forest Service) decided to celebrate this day with an online movie premiere of Hunter stories - The Lynx Catchers.  In the story, you will meet a Slovak hunter, Štéfan Zatroch and Czech zoologist and painter Ludvik Kunc. They have worked closely as a well-tuned team for more than 20 years to help recovery lynx populations in Europe. With LIFE Lynx and other similar projects we are continuing their work and efforts to save Europe’s biggest wild cat from extinction.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJfR8_GtcNc

You can celebration the International Lynx Day in Ljubljana ZOO, where you can get to know the lynx through different workshops. On Saturday Sunday, June 13 and 14, you are invited to visit the lynx enclosure in Ljubljana ZOO. 


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