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Slovenia Forest Service

The mission of the Slovenia Forest Service is:

Preservation and close-to-nature development of Slovenian forests and of all their functions for their sustainable and good management and use as well as nature conservation in forest space for the good of present and future generations.

More information about the Slovenia Forest Service (PDF)

The Slovenia Forest Service is a public institution, established by the Republic of Slovenia (The Act on Forests, 1993), which performs  public forestry service in all Slovenian forests, irrespective of ownership.

At state level it is organized with its central unit in Ljubljana, at regional level in 14 regional units, and at local level it has 69 local units and 396 forest districts. The Slovenia Forest Service also comprises 10 hunting reserves with a special purpose whose task is sustainable management of wild animals, protection of rare and endangered animal species and they also perform activities of hunting tourism.

The organs of the Slovenia Forest Service are its council, director, and experts council.

The Slovenia Forest Service employs cca 730 staff, mostly forestry experts.

The public forestry service is nearly entirely funded from the budget of the Republic of Slovenia whereas hunting reserves with a special purpose are mostly self-financed.

It does not itself perform any felling, extraction, transport and selling of wood, nor forest trade.